Monday, 18 June 2012

The World is my Canvas...

A canvas is a platform used to make beautiful masterpieces. It is said that "the life that we live on this world is the most beautiful masterpiece of all''.

I am an African-child who has recently discovered the beauty that is the world. So with my passport in hand, I am ready to Explore, Dream and Discover... I am setting out to paint my canvas with beautiful memories. I read once that, "Once you have traveled, the Voyage never ends...the memories live on, the mind can never break off from the journey."

"Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind" ~Sereca

I am passionate about traveling. It's an Adventure for me, I love everything about it. The Journey, Exploring different Sceneries, Cultures, Languages, the Food and oh, the Fashion of cause. ;-) I believe travel broadens ones prespective and outlook on the world and on the endless possibilities. Once you have traveled you get to see just how Similar yet so Different we all are as a people.

Discover the beauty that is around you, in your own space, in your own town or country, there's always something new and wonderful to appreciate. Sometimes just a change in attitude can allow you to see and appreciate things a little differently.

Get out there... Live, Explore, Dream and Discover !

;-) TrendyTravelBug


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